: Trolling lica - Žirje

Trolling lica - Žirje

Megabite is back to harbour

Fantsatična borba s velikom licom u akvatoriju otoka Žirja. Isplovili smo s gostima u jedan predivan dan za ribolov, konačan ulov bila je jedna predivna lica. Megabite je izvrsno obavio svoj zadatak. Gosti su vrlo zadovoljni ulovom i cjelokupnim doživljajem na brodu.

PrethodnaFishing reportsSlijedeća

Fishing report Croatia

Finaly some tunas

Ribolov na otvorenom moru traži strpljivost (a koji ribolov to ne traži?) i dobro poznavanje ponašanja tune.

Jezera on Island Murter

Big fish - real fish

Are you planing to catch some big fish? We can help you. We know how to find and catch bluefin tuna and other big species we found in this beautiful Croatian sea...

The Adriatic is the northernmost arm of the Mediterranean Sea


The Adriatic is the northernmost arm of the Mediterranean Sea, extending from the Strait of Otranto (where it connects to the Ionian Sea) to the northwest and the Po Valley. The countries with coasts on the Adriatic are ItalyCroatiaAlbaniaMontenegroBosnia-Herzegovina, and Slovenia.

From Germany to Croatia - BIG GAME with love

Big game with guests from Germany 18

We provide this photos taken during fishing trip with our guest from Germany. They were satisfied with fishing, so they send us this photos they made. We hope we will go to fishong with them again.

Top Places for Tuna Fishing

04-3 Borba s tunom

One of the best destination for big game fishing for residents of Europe, Croatia. The clear blue sea with a thousand islands. The place is very likely that you'll catch tuna.

From Norway to Adriatic sea - catch some Bluefin tuna

Me and my tuna

We had a guests form Norway on full day Bluefin tuna fishing. They had I wonderfull day with great catch. "We had a really great time. We will definitely come again next year…."

People from Austria like Big Game Fishing

Anthony, scheint es, dass ich es geschafft, einen Thunfisch ergattern!

On begining of new season we have guest from Austria, father and son. They enjoyed fishing and were successful (maybe we did a little help). A brief review from them and their photos from fishing, see below.

Big game new season


Hello to all lovers of fishing at sea, the new season has already started and the weather conditions are perfect for enjoying at the open sea.

Big game drifting from Zadar to open sea

Hochseeangeln Thunfisch

Another fishing day. We started from Zadar and after one and half hour we were on position for Bluefin tuna fishing with drifting technique. Images of tuna say more then words. 

14. Big game natjecanje 2013. Jezera, Murter


Big game natjecanje Jezera, Murter. Tradicija koja se ne propušta. Osim izazova lova velikih riba, sudjelujete i u direktnom natjecanju s konkurentskim ekipama. Prijavite se za sudjelovanje na našem brodu, 099 2144 021, Ante

Big Game Fishing Holidays

Mladi ribolovac - ako nastavi ovako bit će šampion

Angling Direct Holidays - A family trip to the big game fishing.

Hochseeangeln in Kroatien auf Thunfisch

Thunfischfang in Kroatien.

Familie aus Österreich auf Angeltouren in Kroatien. 

Hrvatska - europska big game destinacija broj 1

Big game fishing destination closest to Britain

Za sve turiste i ribolovce iz britanije i irske predlažemo direktan let u zračnu luku Zadar. Mogući letovi iz Liverpoola, Londona, Dublina.

Big game Zadar, Biograd, Petrčane, Pag, Murter, Turanj

Big game fishing places Croatia

Novo u našoj ponudi je veći izbor mjesta za isplovljavanje na big game ribolov: Zadar, Murter, Petrčane, Biograd na moru, Pag, Filip Jakov, Turanj. 

Bluefin tuna


The body of a tuna is also spindly, narrow and pointed on the tail and head. The skin is steel-blue with green and  lavander reflections.

Rent a boat Murter

Rent a boat Murter Kroatien

Rent a boat Murter - veliki izbor glisera i drugih brodova za najam. Više o brodovima za najam na Esekertours rent a boat Murter.

Bottom Fishing - bulentin

Kovač končanica

Ribolovni izlet do Visa, a ribolovna tehnika bulentin. Na brodu su ribolovci iz Zagreba.

Obitelj iz Austrije na ribarenju u Hrvatskoj

Murter Juli 2012 Familie Hausl Österreich

Familija Hausl iz Austrije provela je divan izlet na Megabite brodu u akvatoriju Kornata.

Obiteljski ribolov na moru

Avantura na moru

Familija Miglar iz Slovenije, lijepo se provela na brodu Megabite.

Trolling lica - Žirje

Megabite is back to harbour

Big game brod Megabite i fantastična borba s velikom licom u akvatoriju otoka Žirja.

Saltwater Fishing Croatia - trolling

Big game Trolling Croatia

Saltwater Fishing with techinque Trolling. We were on open sea and find some very interesting fish.

Lov na kapitalne Škarpine

Island Jabuka Big game adventure

Pet puta smo išli u ribolov sa gostima na na otok Jabuku, krasne kapitalne škarpine smo lovili.

Beautiful Croatia

Hiding from the sun

A few days we fished with guests in the open sea. Several large sharks visited us and afforded wonderful drills. Of course, we all Shark released back into the sea.

Fly fishing in Slovenia

fly fishing

We caught trout on the River Savinja in Slovenia.....beautiful nature, and great people.

Ekipa ribiča iz Nizozemske

Odličan ulov za ribiče iz Nizozemske

Odličan ulov za Nizozemce!

Slatkovodni ribiči na Big game fishingu

Slatkovodni ribiči na Big game fishingu

Big game fishing interesantan je i slatkovodnim ribičima.

Big Game Fishing Croatia

Big game fishing ribič iz Moskve

Nisam znao da je Big game fishing tako pun adrenalina! - izjavio je Boris H. slatkovodni ribič iz Moskve.

Jigging lov na gofa

Amberjack- how to fish in Croatia

Na jigging (big game fishing tehnika) vodimo slovenske goste koji su ovom tehnikom već lovili po svjetskim morima.

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